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July 17, 2013
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A lil' history ...
R/C GPS projects using the PIC microcontroller...
..more coming soon
Some good info...
GPS Decoding info...
More GPS decoding info...
GPS Stuff
GPS or the Global Positioning System was originally put into
service by the United States military for use as a guidance system for
the the branches of the U.S. military. A few years after it was up and
running it was made available to civilians and the use of the system
was released to the public. The complexity of GPS is hard to explain
without going into advanced math and physics. GPS works on the
principal of triangulation. By having 3 different vectors or points to
measure a single point from, you can determine the estimated location
the point. The math involved is applied to GPS to calculate the
location of an object by using precise timing. Each GPS sat sends out
a constant 30 second telemetry message that consists of it's own clock
time, position in the atmosphere and other data.
When a GPS unit is powered on, it initializes it's self and begins
to check it's catalog for the most visible sat. The built in catalog
is a listing of dates and times, each date and time tells the GPS what
satellites is SHOULD be able to see at any particular time. It then
takes these satellites and places them in a cue. Usually on the unit's
LCD you will see a listing of the satellites along the bottom of the
screen. As the unit sees the satellites it will begin to pop up a
signal strength meter to show how well it sees the sat. As it begins
to see the sat it starts to receive and decode the 30 second telemetry
message. One Garmin units, it first shows a gray bar and when the unit
has received the message for that particular sat, it then darkens the
signal bar to show that it has completely downloaded the message and
decoded it. The GPS must receive at least three of these in order to
get a accurate position or "fix". If altitude is required, then a
fourth sat is required to make that calculation. Once the unit has a
fix it will then begin to show the current longitude and latitude of
the reciever. Most good units will update the position the screen just
about every second. Also, once it has a fix the GPS should also start
spitting out complete NMEA sentences from the serial port. These are
used mainly for amateur radio and direction finding applications.
These sentences can also be fed into a computer's serial port for real
time mapping and tracking. I do this with my laptop in my truck. There
are many NMEA strings that can be sent. The most common are $GPGGA and
$GPRMC. These two sentences provide the most information at once such
as position, elevation, heading and speed.
There are many companies that manufacture GPS units. One of my
favorite is Garmin, they have been around the longest and even
produced the first GPS unit to go in Desert Storm and be used by U.S.
Troops. Magellan also produces nice in-expensive units, although some
do not have a serial out port and do not have most of the functions of
a Garmin. Delorme also produces units. They are mainly for the mapping
software they produce. These units are small and usually come in a
yellow water-tight case. They are good for trackers that need to be
tough and don't require an LCD display. I bought my Tripmate from
Delorme's web site for $50. It's a reconditioned model they sell
without software.
Here is the GPRMC string broken down into it's parts.
 | RMC Recommended Minimum sentence |
 | 123519 Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC |
 | A Status A=active /* The data status. [A] for valid
data,[V] for invalid. |
 | 4807.038,N Latitude 48 deg 07.038' N |
 | 01131.000,E Longitude 11 deg 31.000' E |
 | 022.4 Speed over the ground in knots |
 | 084.4 Track angle in degrees True |
 | 071281 Date - 7th of December 1981 |
 | 003.1,W Magnetic Variation /* The difference of magnetic
direction from true north. |
 | *43 The checksum data, always begins with * |
I currently have 4 GPS units. Three are Garmin units. I tend to
sway in the Garmin direction since a Garmin was the first GPS I ever
had, plus I just like their quality and accuracy. My other GPS is a
refurbished Delorme Tripmate. It's a small unit mounted in a plastic
yellow case. The unit runs on 4 AA batteries, but I took out the
battery holder and replaced it with a 7805 voltage regulator. I also
mounted a coaxial power socket so I could run the unit on my trucks
lighter socket. No batteries, less money spent, happier me.
Garmin GPS is located at
Deluo GPS is located at
Delorme can be located at
Design Criteria Summary:
1) ...more coming soon
Parts & Tools List
... 1) ...more coming soon
Building Instructions...
...more coming soon
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Testing and Operation Instructions...
1. TBD
2. TBD
Additional Notes...
© Dec-00-Mar-12 

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