A lil' history ...
This project involves the design and building of a neat fail-safe device that is
placed between your receiver's servo output and your servo. This unit
continually monitors the servo pulses and when these are not sensed (either Tx
turned off or a major glitch is encountered), the fail-safe device kicks in and
positions the servo into a position the user has previously programmed.
This device is particularly useful on engine throttle servos (airplane, car,
boats, etc..) where you want to avoid "run-away" of the engine if and when a
glitch is received or your transmitter malfunctions (or the Transmitter battery has died
which I have seen all too often in the past).
More coming soon...
Design Criteria Summary:
1) ...more coming soon
Parts & Tools List
...more coming soon
Building Instructions...

...Click on the diagrams above and below for a
better view...

Testing & Operating Instructions...
...more coming soon
Additional Notes...
... more coming soon...
© Dec-00-Mar-12